NEW YORK, NY 10007
May 24, 2018
Dear Requester,
This letter is in response to previous requests pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law
received by this Office, seeking generally
Correspondence between the Office of the Mayor and Jonathan Rosen or BerlinRosen.
Due to the number of FOIL requests the Mayor's Office has received for similar
communications, as a courtesy the documents being disclosed to you today include materials that
are outside the scope of your requests.
The responsive records comprise four volumes of material:
A. Pages 3-729: Material previously withheld in full or in part pursuant to the inter-agency
exemption §87(2)(g) within the time range. This volume also includes 73 pages of
material previously withheld in full pursuant to §87(2)(b).
· Range: January 1, 2014 to April 3, 2015.
B. Pages 730-2844: Material previously produced in full or in part, or withheld in full.
· Range: April 4, 2015 to Dec 31, 2016.
C. Pages 2845-4016: Material responsive to requests not yet fulfilled, and thus not produced
· Range: January 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017.
D. Pages 4017-4247: Material sent to a large number of recipients.
· Range: April 4, 2015 to Dec 31, 2016
Please note that some responsive material is redacted in part pursuant to Public Officers Law
§87(2)(b). Some schedules have been redacted pursuant to Public Officers Law §87(2)(b); these
redactions consist of personal appointments or private information. Please also note that some
responsive material has been redacted in part pursuant to §87(2)(f).
Additionally, attached at the end of the materials provided, you will find a table containing the
identities of those whose personal email addresses were redacted pursuant to Public Officers
Law §87(2)(b), effectively concealing the identities of the senders and/or recipients. Please note
that the Mayor's Office is not aware of all identities of email recipients and senders. Those email
senders and recipients who could not be identified are marked as "Unknown" on the attached
You may appeal the determination with regard to this production in writing within thirty days by
addressing such an appeal to foilappeal@cityhall.nyc.gov.
Jimmy Pan
Associate Counsel
From: Walzak, Phil "dan@berlinrosen.com"; "emma@berlinrosen.com";
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "
Subject: FW: Re:Hi
Date: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 6:43:07 PM
Anything we can do here / want to do?
-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 5:47 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re:Hi
I've got my first request: Can you help me talk to Harvey Weinstein and/or Gwyneth Paltrow about their
support for UPKNYC? Thanks, H
----- Original Message -----
From: PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov
To: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:)
At: Jan 7 2014 15:55:30
From: Jonathan Rosen
· · · · · · · Ragone. Peter
RE: BLOOMBERG - Kanas Says De Blasia's Higher Taxes Won't Damage NYC
Date: Friday, January 10, 2014 12:43:07 PM
Former head of Northfork Bank, now head of BankUnit ed. Ross has him on your list for next week.
From: Bill de Blasio [
Sent: Friday, January 10,
To: Peter Ragone
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: BLOOMBERG - Kanas Says De Blasio's Higher Taxes Won't Damage NYC
Who is this guy??? I like him! Should I call to thank and to involve him???
Sent via BlackBeny by AT&T
From: "Ragone, Peter" <pragone@cityhaJJ nyc goy>
Date: · 10 Jan 2014 16:13:06 +0000
Taxes Won 't Damage NYC
From: DeBlasio Clips [mailto:clips@transition2013.com]
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 11:08 AM
Subject: BLOOMBERG- Kanas Says DeBlasio's Higher Taxes Won't Damage NYC
Kanas Says DeBlasio's Higher Taxes Won' t Damage NYC
BLOOMBERG - Elizabeth Dexheimer
http'ilwww bloomberg com/news/201 4-01 -09/kanas-says-de-blasjo-s-hi gher-taxes-won-t-
damage-nyc btml
New York City's richest residents may have to meet Mayor Bill De Blasia's demand for
higher taxes to fund early-childhood education programs, said BankUnited (BKU) Inc. Chief
Executive Officer John Kanas.
"If wealthy New Yorkers have to kick in a little bit of money so that young people can go to
school early, so that their parents can go to work-- not so bad, right? " Kanas said today in
an interview with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television.
The new mayor has vowed to raise taxes on the wealthy to finance pre-kindergmi en care, and
Kanas said De Blasia, 52, will reach his goal in ways that don't "kill the golden goose" of the
city's business commlmity. "He will fmd his way to satisfy both sides," Kanas said.
De Blasia 's five-year plan would generate $530 lnillion aimually by raising taxes on income
above $500,000 a yem· to 4.4 percent from almost 3.9 percent. For the 27,300 city taxpayers
eaming $500,000 to $1 million, the average increase would be $973 a year, according to the
Independent Budget Office, a municipal agency.
Kanas, 67, has run lenders in the New York region before including North Fork Bancorp and
has opened branches of Florida-based BankUnited in Manhattan. Kanas, who received $3
million in salary and bonus for 2012, said his primary home is on Long Island. Residents of
the suburban community aren't subject to the city's income tax.
Billionaire Backers
BankUnited is backed by billionaire investor Wilbur Ross and private-equity firm Blackstone
Group LP, whose chairman, Steve Schwarzman, is also a billionaire.
The bank was among U.S. lenders that failed under previous managers during the housing-
market collapse, prompting regulators to seize its operations and sell most of them in 2009 to
a group of private-equity investors.
Kanas has been expanding Miami Lakes-based BankUnited after attempts to sell the firm
failed to draw any bids that met the board's expectations. While the company is looking at
takeovers of other firms, Kanas said he hasn't done any deals because of "lofty" valuations.
"We are interviewing and discussing with people every week, every day, any acquisition
opportunity that might make sense for us," he said. "But so far our own performance
outstrips anything that we could see."
Fro m: Klein, Monica
To :
· · · · · · · Emma Wolfe ; jonathan@bertinrosen.com
Subject: request from bdb re: Jeff Klein & UPK
Monday, January 13, 2014 9 :45:43 AM
Dat e :